Public call targets British researchers

brasilobserver - Sep 15 2015
Sergio Gargioni, president of CONFAP, and Alex Ellis, the UK’s ambassador to Brazil, at the signing of Newton Fund (Photo: Iris Schardt/British Consulate-General)

(Leia em Português)


Brazilian State Funding Agencies, articulated by its National Council (CONFAP), are launching a call for proposal offering support to researchers based in UK Universities and Research Institutions who are willing to spend from two weeks to four years working in research in Brazil, in collaboration with local colleagues.

The call offers support for researchers in the UK through Fellowships, Research Mobility Grants and Young Investigator Grants (in the case of researchers aiming at working in universities and research institutes in the State of São Paulo).

These awards offer an opportunity for the UK researcher to develop the strengths and capabilities of their research groups through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in some of the best research groups in the Brazil. This round will close on 23 October.

The applicants must hold a PhD degree: Young researchers (hold from 2 years to 7 years) or Senior researchers (hold for over 7 years). The applicants must have a Brazilian-based collaborator as their co-applicant and they also must hold a permanent academic post or postdoctoral fellowship/position in the UK, which extends beyond the period of the requested grant.

UK researchers from the natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences (including clinical or patient-oriented research), social sciences and humanities fields, are eligible to apply for support.

Information about this call can be obtained at

Brasil Observer is a Brazilian newspaper published in London. Read issue 31.